ESB | HWRC Bookings

The market-leading HWRC booking system supplied by a company that understands the public sector and works with you to ensure you get the solution you need. Our system is designed with flexibility at its core to ensure that it will work the way you want it to.

Household waste recycling centres

We supply our market-leading HWRC booking and permit systems to over 30 authorities covering over 130 sites, and this number continues to grow.

The ESB Household Waste Recycling Centre booking system enables efficient management of HWRC sites, offering features such as online booking, amendments and cancellations, automated confirmations and flexible booking schedules.

It supports managing different vehicle types and waste streams. It includes robust reporting and data management tools to leverage this information to manage and impose restrictions based on your real-time requirements.

Bookings made so far

Our booking system handles tens of thousands of bookings per day, and our customers are not subject to limits or usage restrictions.
Standard year 1 cost for this service

Our standard cost includes all setup, branding, hosting, support, and training for the HWRC system and all licensing for the first year. The year two cost without add-ons is just £4,495.

The system enhances operational efficiency, reduces unauthorised site access, and saves significant time and cost through automation and data-driven resource allocation.

Flexibility features
At the core of our product is flexibility, the flexibility to deliver the service your specific sites need to deliver, and with that, we give unrivalled flexibility out of the gate
Our user-friendly booking system is designed to put you at ease. It handles all communications directly, including confirmations, reminders, amendments, cancellations, and bulk cancellations. You can fully configure these emails to your needs, even including documents, links, and site maps in the confirmation, making the process straightforward for users.
Waste types
Our software allows you to specify unlimited waste streams, providing users with a wide selection. This flexibility enables you to use reporting data to restrict access to specific sites or monitor quotas, tailoring waste management to your needs.
Customer facing form
Our customer-facing form is easy to use. It seamlessly integrates with your website, allowing you to collect the data you need. Plus, you can customise all on-screen text to your liking.
With a multitude of councils and sites under our stewardship, we've developed a wide range of configuration options for restrictions. From simple restrictions like limiting users to your authority area to more complex ones like monitoring and preventing excessive DIY waste, our software caters to a diverse range of waste management needs.
You can define your vehicle list and, subsequently, any advance rules regarding that vehicle. For example, you might have vans as a choice option and only offer vans access to specific time slots or sites.
Each site can be run according to different rules regarding availability and opening hours, allowing you to operate all sites based on their own unique requirements but all from the same base system.
You can customise slot length, start and end times, and the number and type of vehicles allowed in each slot. The system will then generate availability slots without any requirement for officer intervention.
Data retention
Our data management module allows you to build a retention schedule that works for you. Whether you want to anonymise personal information or just delete it all, we have you covered.
Cross border management
Whether you stop anyone outside your authority from using your sites or if you have a reciprocal arrangement in place, we have plenty of options to accommodate your required way of working.
Warning and block lists
We offer the ability to manage warnings and blocklists in a way that suits you. With automatic or manual warning and block list functionality and complete flexibility in how you manage blockings, we have you covered.
Site check-in tool
Our site check-in tool is user-friendly, making it easy for site staff to manage site check-ins. It allows them to see who is attending, what they are bringing, what vehicle they are in, and much more. It also allows them to report back directly against bookings on booking cars breaking site rules, such as commercial waste deposits, ensuring they are comfortable and at ease with its operation.
We provide individual reporting dashboards as standard and an array of standard reports, but we also can tailor your reporting to you. As long as we capture the information, you can report it as you want.
Security and accessibility
As a government-focused supplier, our customers' high standards drive everything we do regarding security and accessibility.
  • Certification
    We hold ISO 27001, ISO 9001 and Cyber Essentials certifications.
  • Keeping your data safe
    Our company's primary focus is local government, and as such, we build our security with that in mind. All data is held using AWS London-based servers. We operate and fully manage our virtual servers, which are used exclusively to host our ESB platform. More info available here
  • Accessible by design
    All web pages are at least compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 AA standard. More info available here
Image of a castle to depict security
HWRC booking systems have different benefits for each authority, and, in some cases, even each site; here are a few of the most commonly found benefits
Image of a men working depicting benefits
Booking systems help manage the flow of visitors, reducing congestion and wait times at recycling centers. This allows for better allocation of staff and resources, ensuring that waste is handled more efficiently and that peak times are managed effectively.

Councils have reported significant annual savings due to reduced waste tonnage and improved recycling processes. These savings are often a result of more controlled and predictable site usage, reducing the need for excessive staffing and overtime.

Residents benefit from the convenience of scheduling visits, which minimizes their wait times and ensures a smoother experience at the HWRC. Features like same-day bookings, 24/7 self-service, and automated communications help meet modern expectations for ease of use.

Booking systems collect valuable data on waste trends, peak times, and the types of materials being disposed of. This data can be used by councils to optimize their operations, plan for future needs, and develop targeted recycling programs.

By reducing congestion and improving the efficiency of waste processing, HWRC booking systems help lower the carbon footprint associated with waste management. Additionally, better management of waste streams can lead to higher recycling rates and reduced contamination.

Whether you have problems with commercial waste or waste tourism, we offer data sites and options to manage your sites in a way that will allow you to identify and investigate suspected issues and then effectively deal with them in the system.
Optional add ons and integrations
Below is a list of our most used optional add-ons and integrations for our HWRC booking system
With an ANPR integration, you can automatically track residents' access to sites and automate entry to sites when combined with a barrier. ANPR can be a cost-effective method to manage access to sites where your staffing resources are needed elsewhere.

A Gov Notify link can be used for text messages and letters; the texting service can send confirmations to non-email users, while letters can be sent for more formal issues such as misuse.

Mapping can be added to the system, and a choice of mapping providers is available to allow for a visual representation of data laid over a geographic area.

We offer a range of payment integrations that can be used online when booking payments are made. These are often used for over-quota waste payments, such as DIY waste.

My account functionality is available if you utilise my account functionality already or want to use it for this system.
Our DVLA integration is your key to a wealth of information. It empowers you to confirm vehicle details with residents and site staff, simplifying complex reporting tasks like carbon emissions. This convenience is literally at your fingertips, putting you in control of your data.

The system comes with a link to the LLPG and NLPG systems as standard; this can be supplemented with your address information more frequently, free of charge.

You can also have a reporting database available to connect your PowerBI reporting suite.

We offer single sign-on using Azure AD as standard.

If you are allowing commercial waste users on site, you can validate waste carrier licenses using this API connection.
What our customers are saying

In the 10 months since the implementation of the booking system we have recorded a drop in waste arisings of over 2000 Tonnes, our recycling rate has increased by 3.5%, we no longer experience any 'waste tourism'.

Ryan Wilson - Recycling project officer Ards and North Down Council

Switching to the Pentagull system was painless and helpline support if needed is exceptional. The system works flawlessly and owning their own software helps keep charges down and increase flexibility. Change requests have always been quickly accommodated and subject to time requirements are usually free of charge. I can only report positive experiences, and that nothing is ever too much trouble.

Dave White - Waste Services Manager Cambridgeshire County Council

The system is flexible and we were able to create bespoke forms with individual branding and specific rules for each borough. The system offers excellent value for money.

Francesco Grieco - Head of finance and business intelligence South London Waste Partnership